Categories 15 Backpack Essentials, Podcasts
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Summary: In today’s podcast, I talk about a “Backpack Essential” for Ministry: “Humility.”

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2 Corinthians 6:7-9 8
“Through glory and dishonor, through slander and good report; regarded as deceivers, yet true; 9 as unknown, yet recognized; as dying, yet see — we live; as being disciplined, yet not killed; — CSB
The “Backpack Essential” that I want to talk about today is “Humility.”
- “The phrase, “It’s not bragging if you can do it” is a weak statement, because of the simple truth that if you can do it, you don’t have to brag about it. “It” speaks for itself.
A few reasons why humility is so important for Christian Leaders:
- To not have humility in our life and leadership is to have arrogance and/or pride in our life and leadership.
- Leading from arrogance or living in arrogance or pride can derail you in all kinds of painful ways.
- Humility in leadership helps us to avoid the foolish mistakes that arise from arrogance.
- If you are a Christian leader and you are operating out of arrogance and pride, the Bible says that God is against you. In James 4:6 and in 1 Peter 5:5, it is stated pretty clearly that “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
“And if God is against you in your ministry, it isn’t much of a ministry. It can get big, it can run like a well oiled machine and it can impress outsiders, but it doesn’t impress God. Because God looks upon the thoughts and intents of our hearts. And the people we lead quickly pick up on the thoughts and intents of our hearts.”
“Humility for Christian leaders is not a small thing. It is actually a very big thing. Humility demonstrates that we understand that we lead knowing that we are under the authority of God. We know that it’s not really our show. It’s His.”
“The apostle Paul and his companions served “through glory and dishonor…” and “as unknown, yet recognized…” He was honored to serve and speak on behalf of his King, not concerned about his own personal glory or recognition. “
“True humility in Christian leadership is a form of grit that leads through dishonor and without desire for fame. This is because we serve at the pleasure of the King.”
“He didn’t care if he was the one who received the credit, or if another minister, like Apollos, received the credit. He understood what true honor is all about, he was fully aware of the one who gave him any authority at all, and he kept pointing people to his King.”
“Jesus set the pace from the beginning of His earthly presence on planet earth. Born in a stable, not a palace, appearing to shepherds before appearing to the powerful, and not laying claim to His rights and privileges as God, in order that He might serve humanity and accomplish His redemptive mission.”
In Philippians 2, He tells us to “do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves.” He then commands us to make our attitude the same as His attitude: “who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be exploited. Instead he emptied himself by assuming the form of a servant…”
Ultimately, the amazing humility of Jesus made even our salvation a reality. Philippians 2 continues by letting us know that He humbled himself “to the point of death – even to death on a cross.”
See the original article here:
“Humility is not a word that means “weakness” or “lack of confidence” or “low self-esteem.” It is a word that conveys the idea that we understand that we are under the authority of One who is greater than us. We go at His pleasure; we serve at His pleasure; we do whatever He calls us to do. Our responsibility is to see His will done rather than our will done on earth as it is in heaven.”
“If our King grabs a towel and tells us, “This is how to lead,” we should immediately join Him and start washing feet. If a task is given to us by the King, no matter how menial or grandiose, it is an honorable thing for us to be doing. The honor is in the fact that we are doing something on behalf of, and in the name of, the One who is worthy of all honor.”
Humility is a “Backpack Essential” for Christian Leaders. We are not the King. We serve at the pleasure of the King.

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Music Provided by “Artist Unknown” – https://artistunknown.bandcamp.com/
& “Rasputin1963”
Johnny Leckie is a Christ Follower, Husband to Leona, and Father to Matthew, Melissa & Michael. He is also a Church Planting Pastor, Musician, Artist, & Blogger. He’s a big fan of Coffee & Bacon and is currently planting a Church in Aurora, Colorado called Compass Church. He is the founder of MinistryBackpack.com.