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Show Notes: Seven Questions With Pastor Trey Van Camp (Part 1)
Trey’s New Book: “The Non-Anxious Pastor: becoming a person of peace in a world at war” is available now:
Summary: In this episode, I interview Pastor Trey Van Camp. Trey is a 4th generation pastor, and graduated summa cum laude from California Baptist University with his Bachelor’s degree in Applied Theology. At CBU, he was awarded with the “Applied Theology Award.”
On January 10, 2016, he planted the church he currently pastors (formerly known as Heart Cry Gathering) and renamed it to Passion Creek Church in June 2017 after the announcement of the Heart Cry AZ Network.
Trey is happily married to his high school sweetheart, Jordan. They have 3 daughters: Faith Karis, Selah Ruth and Trinity Rose. He has an amazing Vlog on YouTube and loves to post on Instagram and Twitter.
Trey is an awesome Pastor and Leader and I’m honored to have him with me today.
Passion Creek Church
The Ministry Backpack Patreon Page
Some Highlights and Links From Today’s Show:
No one told Trey about this “Church Planting 101” tip: Be sure you understand about the common experience of the “2nd Sunday” after your Church Launch: For a variety of reasons, about half of the people who are there on Launch Day won’t be back the next week!
“It seems that God has continued to mold me the most through all of my failures, so I’m trying to get more thankful for them – quicker.”
Trey is chronicling his life and ministry on his popular Vlog on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/treyvancamp
“Nine months into our church plant, I recognized the beauty of Vlogging on YouTube. ‘I never watch YouTube. I’m much too productive of a person’ was my thought. I mean, ‘I’m not going to sit around and watch cat videos, all day.’ But then my friend showed me some Vlogger, and I was like, ‘these people are preaching a message. It’s not a Christian message, but they’re influencing people.”
“I’ve seen a lot of Pastors talking to the camera and teaching Bible study lessons, but I thought, ‘Man, how cool would that be if I get to just show my life to people?’ I think that is how we share the Gospel so much is just by living our life authentically.”
“I’m not a huge channel, but I have a large following of people from around the world – I have a lot of atheists in England and Australia who follow me consistently, and we go back and forth.”
Here’s a preview of Trey’s Vlog:
What Trey would do differently:
Trey launched his church with a number of people from his father’s church (http://heartcrychurch.com/). It was clear to Trey, however, that some of those people did not get the vision for the new church. It was about a year into the Church Plant that several of these people began to leave. Trey wishes that he would have had hard conversations and proper confrontation with these individuals earlier, and in some cases, even before they attended for the first time.
Trey’s Church plant spent it’s first year with the name “Heart Cry Gathering,” but because of the similarity to the name of his father’s church (Heart Cry Church) and because the word “Church” wasn’t in the name, there were a lot of people who thought that his Church was a satellite campus. Trey changed the name to “Passion Creek Church” about a year in, but he wishes that he had simply started with that new name.
Resources Trey Is Currently Using:
Podcast: Love Thy Neighborhood
Software: LOGOS
Book: “Lectures To My Students” by C.H. Spurgeon
Book: “Crushing It!” by Gary Vanerchuck
On Keeping His Family Relationships Strong:
Trey and his wife love to do consistent date nights.
Hear the conversation between Trey and his wife about date nights, here: “Not Having A Boy + Our Big Fight | Q&Trey 15,” and check out their “Rock Climbing Date” here: “Our Marriage Got A Little Rocky.”
They strive to spend time together “shoulder to shoulder.” They have discovered that they have the most valuable conversations when they are actively doing something together, rather than just sitting and talking over a table.
“It’s a way for me and my wife to be playful with each other and to enjoy each other as best friends.”
[Johnny added to this: “When a lot of the guys I’ve known along the way have had affairs, it has been because the exciting things in their life, the adventures in their life, or the work in their life was being shared with someone other than their spouse.”]
Trey’s Vlogging actually causes him to do more fun things with his wife! 🙂
They spend time with their extended family, going to the lake, wake boarding, etc.
Because they’re only five hours away, they go to Disneyland in California a lot – “It’s easy to not be thinking about ministry when I’m doing something epic like going to Disneyland.”
The money he makes from his videos about Disneyland on his Vlog actually pays for his family to go to Disneyland! [Trey is working on a course for ministers about how to Vlog your ministry. Look for a link on MinistryBackpack.com when it’s available…]
He also prioritizes weeknights for his family. He has an hour-long nightly ritual with his 3 little girls: They wrestle together, pray together, read a book, share “secrets,” and tickle each other. He makes sure his phone is off and away so he can focus on his kids.
Trey and his wife enjoy reconnecting and spending time together in the evenings after the kids have been put to bed.
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Music Provided by “Artist Unknown” – https://artistunknown.bandcamp.com/
& “Rasputin1963”