5 Strategies For Starting Your Church With “No Money Down”
Categories Blog, Church Planting, Fundraising For Ministry
[I talk more about this post on The Ministry Backpack Podcast, Episode 032. Listen to it here.]
God called you to start a church, but there’s a problem. You don’t have any money, yet. Spiritualize it all you want, but at the end of the day, you still have to eat and have a place to sleep.
So here are 5 Strategies for starting your church with “no money down.” I may add 5 more later because I have a few pages of thoughts about it, but for now, here are the first five. We’ll start in no particular order of priority (except for number one):
1. Put some money down. Ha! I got you there. You can’t start a church with no money down, silly. You need to have a little “skin in the game.” If you want others to give to your church plant, it has to start with you. What are you willing to invest? Do you have savings? Do you have something you could sell? Time to put some of your security on the line and into God’s hands.
2. Be bi-vocational. Do this for a year or two at least. I know that you want to spend all of your time invested in the start of your new church, but don’t think that you’re not doing that if you’re bi-vocational. You’ll meet people you can share Christ with and invite to be a part of your new church. You can also see what it’s like during the week for most of the people you’ll be leading. You’ll free up any money you initially raise so that it can be used for ministry and equipment. As a bonus, you’ll be able to pay a few of your bills and relieve some stress.
3. Require all team members to give from day one. The moment someone comes on board your launch team, request that they make the shift of channeling all of their giving through your church plant. They should share this with their current pastor immediately, if necessary, but they don’t need to wait until things get going for them to begin giving.
4. Start a non-profit business that supports your new church. I know of a church planter in Georgia who started a “second hand” store where all of the income generated went directly to support the new church. Another church planter in Colorado created multiple businesses, including a coffee shop, an “odd jobs” service and more that did the same thing. You need to be careful in how you set that up and of course, you need to keep stellar records, but I love this kind of thinking for funding ministry.
5. Know the minimum you need and promote the dream amount you hope for. Don’t inflate the numbers, but map out your needs based on “the bare bones,” “the next level of impact,” and “the best impact” you can make on your community. Filter this through every area of your startup – marketing to the community, equipment, events, rental space, etc. Make a list of the things you absolutely must purchase or have donated, the things you could borrow or rent, and the things you could make or create.
These are just suggestions. As you are faithful and a good steward of what God entrusts to you, He will bless as you are faithful to his calling.
Johnny Leckie is a Christ Follower, Husband to Leona, and Father to Matthew, Melissa & Michael. He is also a Church Planting Pastor, Musician, Artist, & Blogger. He’s a big fan of Coffee & Bacon and is currently planting a Church in Aurora, Colorado called Compass Church. He is the founder of MinistryBackpack.com.
Thanks for the advise.God bless you
Thanks so much sir. I’m well strengthened and directed. Harrison Osas.
You’re welcome, Harrison. Blessings to you and your ministry!
I am Illuminated. I have been digging deep on this. Remain blessed sir.
Thanks for this power massage
Glad to hear it was helpful. Thanks and blessings to you and your ministry!
It was helpful. Thanks a lot for this. Am looking for reading materials as I prepare establishing a church I March
Blessings to you as you follow God’s call! I will continue to post about Church Planting, however, and I hope that you will discover some useful information in upcoming posts.
So glad it was helpful to you Justin. Blessings to you in your ministry!
I need your help can we speak
Hello, Oyama. What is the nature of your need?
May God Almighty bless you more faithfully
so helpful, thanks.
So glad to hear it. Thanks, Sifuna!
Am very much uplifted with this sermon God bless you. More especially this time when am about to start a church in the hard times like this
So glad it was helpful, Emmanuel. Grace and peace to you as you start your new ministry!
What’s going on, Haron? What is the help that you need?
Thanks for the advise. We’re starting a church in Uganda but we’re broke. We also love the idea of business supporting church especially in its initial stages. God bless you.
Timsimon and Erica – Glad it was helpful. Blessings to you as you follow the Lord’s leading!
Insightful. thanks
So glad it was helpful. Thanks and blessings to you in your ministry!
Thank you for the advice I’m starting in church in Zambia specific in my community but I don’t have money through your advice we are trusting on God to help us on those areas I’m greatful to you sir
Try Jacob Phiri – he has planted thousands of house churches in Zambia.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for the kind words. Blessings to you in your ministry!
Thanks I am so much encouraged and become happy. God bless your life and ministry.
Have been trying for almost a 7 months now but keeps on failing everytime.
Praying that you discover God’s purpose and plan for your church planting efforts. Be encouraged!
I would like to start a church in Kansas City Missouri.down in the leads district.
Great advice. My name is Kyle Antoniak. I have it in my heart to plant and pastor a church. I was on my way into Food Lion today when I saw someone cleaning the empty storefront beside it that I always passed. I inquired what they were doing with it out of curiosity and they let me look and gave the owner my info. It was an old CVS but has been used since as a church. Interesting. Now, in the natural I have no money saved up, I work full time and I’m going to college online for a bachelors in religion and christian ministry. But that encounter today makes me wonder.
Hi, Kyle – I responded to your email, with this, but thought I’d post it here as well as it may be helpful to others: The potential of the building you described sounds like an incredible opportunity if it is God’s timing and God’s plan for you. I would encourage you to understand that buildings like this can be a massive blessing, but they can also sometimes present challenges that can bring your momentum to a screeching halt, while deeply draining financial resources. It’s definitely the kind of thing that should be entered into with a lot of prayer and the counsel of wise advisers around you. Blessings to you and your ministry!
Thank you for the opportunity to communicate with you. By God’s grace, i am a pastor planting a local new church here in Kampala Uganda.
My new church has been recently legally registered with our government and the name is called UNIVERSAL AMBASSADORS OF CHRIST CHURCH.
This has been after seventeen years (17) since i received the vision to plant a church from God.
I am writing to you because i want to request you if you may agree to partner with me and help me.
Oh surr
Newton Dennis Mugisa – I am honored that you would ask, but Ministry Backpack is not currently a Church Planting funding or partnering organization, so I am unable to fulfill your request. I do however, pray God’s best for you and your minstry! Blessings to you as you follow God’s call!
I am out of a job and believe this is the time God want me to start a church but I lack wisdom to do so. I am broke, struggling to make ends meet and I am a single parent. I am praying for directions. I also do not have any people support. But I truly this is my time to glorify God through my situation because I know God is right along with me. Please I need some advice.
You are exactly where you need to be in this moment. I know the struggle to elevate and step into your purpose and calling seems many miles away, but shift those feelings of doubt,fear,and anxiety. Release them to who God is to you and hold your head up high in confidence knowing that it is done. Than take small steps each day towards making your dream come true, even if it is something as simple and looking up wall schemes for the themes/colors you would want. SeeOmg things that are not as they were is the lock to success. However, taking small steps every day even if it is journaling it down, is planting those very seeds that you want God’s holy water to grow. May your life be filled with abundance, peace, and protection. God is always with you and is transmuting your fears into positive outcomes just hold on.
Ése Asé
Encouraging words, StorHÉ. Thanks for commenting!
Forgive the spelling, grammar and punctuation errors queen. Auto correction is horrible . God bless!
Sometimes the calling is correct and clear, but the timing is not right. Only you can make that call through prayer and Godly counsel, but I would exercise great caution about moving forward with such an important venture as planting a church during a time of financial or other great hardship. It could be that the call to plant is the call to plan, and exercise faith in the Lord to provide and lead in strategic steps. Praying God’s best for you!
Thank you for your Revelation advice Iam grateful l take it God bless you and continue to teach me I need more teaching about that.
Thanks for the encouraging words, Reuben!
You do not need any money for starting a house church. Find a person of peace, invite believers and seekers to bring some simple food; preach with signs and praying for healing the sick and then disciple them into disciple makers, who plant multiplying house churches. (Luke 10:1-9). Uncle V.
Yes, thanks for the comment!
My name is Onyemaechi Samuel C.
I have had the vision to open a church but money has always been an issue but your advice is very helpful.
Please I will like you to partner with me.
I am from Awka, Anambra State of Nigeria.
My mobile number is +2348069027277
Onyemaechi Samuel C – Thanks for asking, but Ministry Backpack is not currently a Church Planting funding or partnering organization. I’m sorry to hear about your financial challenges, however, and pray that God provides for your needs as you go! Grace and peace to you!
Thank you for your advices,l am in Zweletemba Worcester, about to plant Holiness Ministries with no money,l thought of googling for ideas l am great full to listen to your different stories about Church planting,God bless you Amen, from Rev.Mbuyiselo Mkosi
Good ideas on the subject of starting a business to support the ministry.Will be glad to be partner with you.
Thanks, Henry. I’m honored that you would ask, but Ministry Backpack is not currently a Church Planting funding or Partnering organization. Blessings to you as you move forward!
Hello, my name is Bishop Marcus T. Williamson Sr. and I like to thank you for the five strategies on how to start a church. I am looking for someone to partner with me to start a new church in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Bishop Marcus – Grace and peace to you! Thanks for commenting here about your starting of a new church. If you would like to link to a website or a way for others to find out more, please feel free to provide a link here in the comments. Blessings to you!
My name is Dixie Wuludi, am called into Church planting, I would like to meet like minded people in Zambia.
WhatsApp me: +26878895952.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Sir
Hi to you, Samuel!
This is great really i have appreciated my almighty bless you and you have encouraged me.
So glad to hear that it was helpful! Blessings to you in your ministry!
Hello, my name is Pierre Ruben live in cape Town . Man of God of God we thank you for all the wisdoms shared on this platform. We are not pastor we love our Lord Jesus Christ. my wife and I are carrying in our hearts a dream to start a church many prophecy concerning this dream have been confirmed to us specially to me how do we know the exact place,and moments that God wants us to start this project? God will not ours . May the Lord keep on bblessigs you and family.
Hello, Pierre! This is a difficult question for me to answer, but rest assured, God wants you to know where He is leading you! Continue in prayer for direction, but start where you are with what you know now. Is there a particular place or group of people that God seems to be placing on your heart? That you feel a burden for? Praying for God to bless you and give you insights into the specifics as you seek His guidance for starting a new Church!
Great strategies. I’ve enjoyed reading them. I am in the process of planting a new local church.
Blessings to you as you move forward!
Hello, my name is Bishop Esther F. I want to you for giving us this info. I am look for a partner or someone that like giving to church. I’m planning of opening my church in Las Vegas. We have everything ready, just a building. Please if you know any one contact me. God bless🙏
Hello, Bishop Esther! Prayers for you as you reach out into Las Vegas! I do not currently have connections in that area, but pray God’s best for you as you shine God’s light into the darkness there.
Great thoughts, especially numbers 1, 2 & 4. I’m sceptical about number 3- Here in Nigeria, I discovered, painfully, that when you start a ministry (or any new idea at that) there are really no ‘team’ member when it comes to money. You may be disappointed that those people would start to keep their distance. You are actually OYO (On Your Own) until things begin to happen.
I’ve had to put some money down myself & also do some friendly & sister vocations like selling Bible/Christian literatures, photocopying,etc before I could get money to register a domain and start a website, for instance. For some other things, I had to give up my car for sale.
There’s no compensation like the joy of living your God-given dreams.
Thanks for being there, Johnny!
TOYESE AFOLABI – I’m sorry to hear that you have had these struggles as you have attempted to share the love of Christ with others. I pray that God blesses you as you go and that you find hope and encouragement along the way! Blessings to you!
I want to start a church but I don’t have money but thanks for ur adivce I want to partner with u this is number +223557474905
Thank you for your good advice God bless you.
Ptr.edil villamor – I’m glad it has been helpful to you. Blessings to you and your ministry!
This is hiding fact for ministry, thanks God blessed you. In fact am struggling too much in ministry a lot .Now l decide to look for a mentorship if it can be possible can be one your sons .May be is not how l should present it but for God sake
ELORM APETI – I am humbled that you would ask, but because of my current time restrictions, I am unable to fulfill your request. Hopefully, you will find helpful resources here on the site and podcast. I would encourage you to find a pastor in your area that you respect and approach them about a possible mentorship. Someone local may be able to help in a more specific and direct way. Grace and peace to you and God bless you in your ministry!
Thanks for this power massage
Emanuel Rhobin Ruge – Thanks for the encouragement!
Thanks for this opportunity and chance I have been trying to start a ministry thanks for the advice may God bless you
NAIT BETTY – Glad it was helpful. Blessings to you and your ministry!
Thanks for the powerful message.I’m on the verge of starting a church in rural area of eSwatini and have no money at the moment but believing God to make a way.This is so helpful.
SHONGWE JABULANI – So glad this was helpful in some way to you. Blessings to you and your ministry!
Thank u so much
So for I have started a church in covid19 season and it’s not easy coz we are meeting in my rented house and I thank God that I have come out with a project of brick laying which we know it will be a beneficial project for the ministry.
Kibuuka sulait – Thank you for sharing about your efforts in starting a Church during this Covid 19 pandemic. Blessings to you as you follow God’s leading!
Good teachings be blessed and the Lord add to you more revelation.
Thanks, Robert. Blessings to you and your ministry!
I have a vision of planting a church with the mandate to produce leaders but i have no money to start with however, with ur advice i can sail ashore. I would be very very happy if we will team up to make it happen. Thanks sir.
Nkereuwem etim edet – Thank you for sharing your heart for a new church. Ministry Backpack is not currently a Church Planting funding or partnering site, but you are welcome to post this request here for others to see and perhaps respond to as they are led. Blessings!
i want to start a church called is,m in my home . it is what it is . i have people who want to join but how do i get started im in mass.
Hi, Gary – I would focus on growing that group who is willing to meet in your home, first. Meet weekly, study the Bible, dream, plan, and seek the Lord’s will and heart for a possible new church. There are many church planting training and supporting organizations out there if you’d like to go that route. It all depends on what kind of church you’re starting, what denominational connections you have and a host of other things. Start reading some books on church planting and talking to others in your town or state who have started Churches there for insights into your area. Grace and Peace!
God is good all the time 🙏
Yes, He certainly is!
Kabugo Hope – Thanks for commenting! Edifying and building up existing churches and starting new churches is not an either/or scenario. Can we not do both? Starting new churches is all about reaching new people with the Gospel – it is about fulfilling the Great Commission. Blessings to you in your ministry!
Praise LORD Jesus. This teaching has really inspired me to another level. May God expand your wisdom and horizon.
So glad to hear that it was helpful! Thanks for the kind words, and God bless you in your ministry!
I am so grateful for the advice and may God continue to empower you to do his work in Jesus mighty name
So glad it has been helpful. Blessings to you and your ministry!
Ok thank you for your time.
Of course! 🙂
This is also a department in God’s vineyard!
More grace.
God bless you!
Yes! Blessings to you in your ministry!
This is very fantastic opportunity.I have been blessed with it
So glad it has been a blessing to you. Grace and peace!
Praise the Lord Pastor Johnny. Am an investigative Journalist and global digital reporter. Living in Uganda but with several global roles that require me to travel frequently. Am into media and public health. I was attracted by the 5 strategies for starting your Church with no money. I accepted the Lord in 1998 but kept on and off as the Lord continued to appear to me with Ezekiel 33:7-9 on several occasions until 2015 0n the eve of Christmas Day while driving at night to the countryside with my entire family we had a tragic motor accident but we all came out. Myself , my fiancé, my three daughters and one house help. After this accident i remembered the biblical Jonah and Gods Nineveh assignment. The message from God appeared to me again in Ezekiel 33:7-9. I surrendered all and started an online congregation in August 2015 on Facebook. It is known as TTTTG (Time To Turn To God) with a membership of 480 and is growing. I post sermons every Sunday. God has been faithful to me and I have amazing testimonies. After forming the TTTTG i again formed the Roger and Patience Evangelistic Mission. Patience is my fiance and a prophetess but live and works in South Africa while i stay in Uganda, In 2019 i was assigned by World Health Organization to lead a Tuberculosis review team to Zambia and it was my first time in Zambia. I spent about one month. While there God spoke to me about coming to this country and win lost souls. I have been contemplating on how to get offline and start a physical church in Zambia. Wondering how much resources I would require for this initiative. This is why I was happy to come across your 5 strategies. Am determined to start a Church in Zambia and win souls. Any advice towards this shall be more appreciated. You can visit out TTTTG Online congregation on: https://www.facebook.com/groups/829653717141930/?ref=share
I look forward to hear from you. God bless you.
Am now a Prophet after God revealing to Jeremiah 1:5 on October 5th 2020.
Thanks for sharing your story. You have displayed great perseverance in pursing God’s calling in your life. Keep sharing Jesus! Blessings to you and your ministry.
Hi, it’s a wonderful read, I enjoyed your article, pioneering church for past six years… uphold us in your prayers
Thanks for the kind words. Praying for you and your ministry, today!
Am blessed with this, I failed to start a church cause I depend on the revelation only so there was no money involved.
Glad to hear that it was a blessing to you. God bless you in your ministry!
Great strategy.
Thank you Sir.
Hope it’s helpful. Blessings to you!
I’m really happy to know this secret of the kingdom thank you I’m happy for my beloved
Please I’ll likely want to be partner with you sir this is my cellphone number+23276618115
I will likely need more of your advice thank you 😊
Blessings to you as you follow God’s call!
It was helpful. Thanks a lot for this. Am looking for gospel reading materials as I prepare establishing a church In March…any help is welcome
I am happy to meet you on this platform with this mystery of starting a church indeed this is a revelation to expand the kingdom of God even when money is not involve, my name is John Mshelia Takwale Dauda, God has visited me on several occasions and now I take the steps to move on, on the good work of the lord, there fore I am inspired by your encouragement and I will love to be around you online, through Facebook or else, thank you so much may the lord Jesus bless your good work.from Nigeria specifically Borno state,
Blessings to you as you follow God’s call!
Greetings to you and your family.
Am Pastor Immaculate Nalweyiso from Uganda. Currently in Kenya to start a new church.
I would you to help me regarding church planting and fundraising ideas.
I really need your help
I will grateful to you.
Thank YOU.
Blessings to you as you follow God’s call! I will continue to post about Church Planting, however, and I hope that you will discover some useful information in upcoming posts.
80 petrus Street Hillcrest
South Africa
I am 79 years young and almost all of my family has passed on and the rest do not like to deal with me because I tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. GOD answered my prayers when he took my daughter at 51 and my granddaughter at 3. I was divorced twice after 17 yrs of marriage in each one. I was the one who kept the family together along with GODS help and I did everything in JESUS’ name. I have had 3 concussions, a mini stroke and a heart fixed by the doctor taking veins from my leg and putting it around my heart in different places to keep it strong. I have been given prays from the HOLY SPIRIT and do them daily and now I was told to use the Ministers license I received in 1983. It just sat there while I had all of my family to take care of. Now it is time for me to let GOD help me to help others to surrender to him with the prayers, lessons etc. that I received from HIM but I need others help because I don’t know anyone to work with me physically in this world to prepare HIS children for the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN here on earth. The time is near and people are not ready to surrender themselves to GOD without the correct guidance. I pray GOD had me write to you for some physical guidance.
Thank you for being faithful to the Lord and His purposes throughout the years. Blessings to you as you follow God’s call!
Hi Pastor, I am planning to start a church in Tanzania but have no money at all. What can I do?
Blessings to you as you follow God’s call! I will continue to post about Church Planting, however, and I hope that you will discover some useful information in upcoming posts.
You sound wise and likely
It encouraging at this time that I am looking for information on starting a new ministry. Thanks. But you can still inbox me with further truth in my email
Thank so much for revealing this most important tops on starting a church.
But Sir. I had a call more than a decade now but find it very difficult kick start. The most challenging issue is financial. How do I go about it.
Hi, Philip – This article contains my best first 5 strategies for dealing with the financial issues relating to Church Planting. It is how I have gone about it. Did you have a specific question related to one of these in particular? Is there a particular location that you sense that God is leading you to plant a church?
I received my calling, became ordained from home. Went online looking for a house, after reading my morning Devotional. God led me to a house attached to a Church. Listed over 500k, appraised 2023 assessed value. But, asking 179k. Needs work. I had been shar6my devot9with fiance daily for the last month. Discussing Ezra & Nehemiah. Comparisons of then to now in stories of Bible, and the walls built, and who Ezra was like and who Nehemiah was like personally. Amazing how God speaks to each of us, how we can reflect, and know when he places us in front of something powerful and we notice his existence without doubt. For the place a Church w/house, that’s for sale, I too do.not know how to afford. But I know that if I do the ground work, keep faith, God will provide an abundance of Blessings and miracles beyond what he has already. As far as the walls..strange that when we went to meet realtor to look at the Church, the place is 11k sq.ft. basement walls need repaired, water damaged, and some mold. And house does as well. But like Ezra, the scribe, the leader, the priest, the Bible nerd as some refer or say..(like myself) ..and Nehemiah the Builder, the Contractor the worker the harsher one at times..(like my fiance) we will answer my calling, do the leg work, rebuild those walls, if we can, if it is Gods will. If he brought us to it he will see us through it. Amen!! I’m on unchartered Waters myself too, but I have the best God!
Thanks for the message and 5 strategies to use starting a church without money… have been on the issue of harken to the call for years but the fear of unknown and circumstances is my challenge.. but am relieved as I read through your teaching…
Am going start away into my full calling and ministerial assignment…. God bless you for the spiritual tonic……
I have not attended any bible school with a certificate and how can I start a church on my own?I need an advise from you. Thanks
I am living in a community where the living standard of people is poor but I want to start a church in the community but I am finicially down what can I do
Please WhatsApp me on +23276339783/+23234141633
Please I’m in Ghana starting a ministry with some people and I’m just 19years joining them to start the ministry. But the leader shows off so many discomfort things that has made those of us partnering with him to be fed up. So I have decided to focus on my education to be able to earn meet and cater for by 25 there about and start my ministry as countless visions unveil God’s calling on my life. So please I want to ask if my plan is right or I should still continue moving with my pastor